November 17, 2019

Posted to Conrad Grange’s Facebook on November 17, 2019. Archived at

Pictures of the same event were also posted on Tom Houghton’s Facebook.
Posted to Conrad Grange’s Facebook on November 17, 2019. Archived at
Pictures of the same event were also posted on Tom Houghton’s Facebook.
@Rbt1975_USA “Utah Proud Boys meet up at my place.”
@Rbt1975_USA “SL,UT Proud Boys March meetup! St Patty’s day.”
@Rbt1975_USA “SL,UT Proud Boys were refused service at this tattoo parlor.”
@Rbt1975_USA “@Divas4Trump with the SL,UT Proud Boys”
@Rbt1975_USA “bachelor party”
left to right: Adam Priest, James Lemming, Derek Rich, Brian Taylor
@Rbt1975_USA “SL,UT Proud Boys June meet up”
@Rbt1975_USA, Abolish I.C.E. counter-protest
@Rbt1975_USA “Northern UT Proud Boys October meet up”
In June of 2022, thirty-one members of the neo-fascist hate group Patriot Front (PF) were arrested in Coeur d’Alene, ID on misdemeanor charges of Conspiracy to Riot. A seven-page “operations plan” found in their possession detailed their plans to disrupt Coeur d’Alene’s “Pride in the Park” event, then make their escape “once an appropriate amount of confrontational dynamic [had] been established.” None of the PF members arrested were from Coeur d’Alene. Only two were from Idaho; the other twenty-nine were from as far away as Texas, Illinois, Missouri, Alabama, and Virginia. Six of them, shown below, were Utah residents at the time of their arrest. [source] If you have information about the current location of these or other far-right extremists in Utah, please email it to us at UtahAntiFascists (at) riseup (dot) net.
In June of 2022, Utah residents Jared Boyce, Branden Haney, Cameron Pruitt, Alexander Sisenstein, Dakota Tabler, and Nathaniel Whitfield were arrested in Coeur d’Alene, ID on charges of Conspiracy to Riot.
Below is a brief summary of what is known about the six Utah members of PF who were arrested in Coeur d’Alene. As we publish more detailed information about each of them, we will update the summaries to include links to in-depth articles.
By the time he was arrested in Coeur d’Alene, 27-year-old Jared Michael Boyce had already been involved with violent extremist movements for several years. In August of 2018 he traveled to Oregon for a “flash march” that devolved into a series of street brawls. He joined Patriot Front that same year [source]. His leaked chat logs from PF’s private communications platform, where he uses the code name “Logan UT,” are available here. When Boyce returned from Coeur d’Alene after his arrest, his mom told him he’d have to choose between continuing with Patriot Front and continuing to live in her house. He chose to stay with PF, and true to her word, Mom kicked him out. He has since skipped bail on the Idaho charges and is believed to be living in Utah County, where he occasionally spray-paints weird antisemitic garbage on public property in his embarrassingly awful handstyle.
UPDATE: Jared Michael Boyce has, in fact, been living in Utah County – he was booked into the Utah County Jail on March 10, 2023 on charges of sexual exploitation of a minor and dealing in material harmful to a minor 16-18 years old by a person 18 or older. The latter charge alleges that Boyce, who is 28 years old, sent pictures of his genitals to a 16-year-old girl.
headline from The Crime Report
Boyce pleaded guilty in April 2023 to nine felony counts and one misdemeanor, and was sentenced in May to one year in jail and three years probation.
Branden Mitchel Haney submitted his application to join Patriot Front in October of 2021. He was accepted into the group just a little too late to attend their national event in December of that year, so his trip to Coeur d’Alene in June 2022 was likely his first big event with the group. His trial is currently scheduled for July of 2023 in Kootenai County. For more information about Haney’s explicitly antisemitic beliefs, his location, and employment, please see our article “Branden Mitchel Haney, neo-Nazi flight student.”
Cameron Kathan Pruitt has been a Patriot Front member for several years. In 2020 he was arrested along with PF’s national leader, Thomas Rousseau, on charges of Criminal Mischief after they were caught posting advertisements for their hate group at a courthouse in Parker County, TX. Pruitt is now the leader of PF’s “Network 5,” which covers Utah and parts of Wyoming and Colorado. He has attended and helped plan multiple national events with the group. You can read his leaked PF chat logs under his code name, “Jon UT,” here. After his arrest in Coeur d’Alene, his Utah security guard license was “limited” by the Utah Division of Professional Licensing, meaning he cannot work as a security guard until the allegations against him are resolved.
Alexander Nicholai Sisenstein is the first of the Patriot Front members arrested in Coeur d’Alene to plead out. In November of 2022, the Midvale resident submitted a written plea of guilty to a lesser charge of “ He was “sentenced to two years of probation with one day of credit for time served, and a fine of $500. He is currently licensed with the State of Utah as a Plumber’s Apprentice. If you know where he is currently employed – as a plumber or otherwise – please let us know.
Dakota Ray Tabler of West Valley City is one of three Coeur d’Alene arrestees to hold a Security Guard license in the State of Utah. In 2022 he was employed by CBI Security as a security guard, but was suspended from his job after his arrest. [source] The Utah Division of Professional Licensing also shows that Tabler’s license is currently “limited,” meaning that he is not legally allowed to act as a security officer until the allegations against him are resolved. He has pleaded not guilty, and is currently scheduled to go to trial in May of 2023 in Kootenai County, ID. Photos from Tabler’s Facebook profile suggest that he is or was a member of the USMC.
Nathaniel Taylor Whitfield has been a member of Patriot Front for at least two years, and holds a leadership role in Network 5. You can read his leaked chat logs here, under his code name “Joshua UT.” He has been spotted at multiple local events with PF since his arrest. Whitfield held an Armed Security Guard license in the State of Utah at the time of his arrest, but it has since expired. Based on information he gave at the time of his arrest in 2022, he is believed to be living in Elk Ridge. If you have more information about his current location or employment, please let us know!
This article is republished with permission from Corvallis Against Fascism.
Warning: this post contains language and images that are offensive. We do not use words like “hateful” or “anti-Semitic” lightly, and we have chosen to include this content because it is the clearest and most effective way to demonstrate Sean McCann’s beliefs. In some cases we have chosen to partially edit or obscure certain words or images. In all such cases, the content was originally posted by McCann or others without the edits.
– Utah Antifascists
The American Guard (AG) is a group of hardcore white supremacists. The organization was started in Indiana by Brien James, a former Klansman and one of the founders of a violent bonehead (neo-nazi skinhead) gang, the Vinlanders Social Club. The American Guard has deep ties to other White Nationalist gangs like the Hammerskins, the Traditionalist Workers Party, and the Aryan Nations. Unlike many of these other overtly racist groups, American Guard also associate with alt-lite organizations like Patriot Prayer and the Proud Boys. This makes them particularly dangerous, as they are able to bring their extreme views and violence into spaces that typically cater to regular conservatives, who they attempt to further radicalize.
American Guard has engaged in physical violence at rallies across the country. They are incredibly dangerous, and their members and associates should be treated with extreme caution.
Sean McCann is the president of American Guard’s Utah chapter. He lives in Sandy, Utah, with his wife and two young sons. McCann is also friends with Joshua Long, American Guard’s national Vice President. The two men and their families spend a lot of time together and visit each other frequently.
In addition to AG, McCann is a member of the Asatru Folk Assembly, a neo-Völkisch pagan organization that is also classified as a hate group. Asatrú is a religion that combines elements of several Scandinavian and Germanic pagan traditions. It is not an inherently racist belief system.The Asatru Folk Assembly, however, is explicitly racist, and restricts its membership to “Aryans” and “Ethnic Europeans.” Many other Asatrúers have officially dissociated themselves from AFA because of their “long and well-documented history of discrimination.”
Like many pagan nazis, Sean McCann has an affinity for the Sonnenrad or Black Sun, an ancient European symbol that has a long history of use by white nationalists. It was appropriated by the Nazis during WWII, and is sometimes combined with or used as a substitute for the swastika.
Sean McCann really enjoys anti-Semitic Facebook content. In the conversation below, a user named Don Hansard remarks that the man in the photo “might replace my lampshade” – a reference to an allegation that Nazis had used the skin of concentration camp victims to make lampshades. (The allegations are disputed, but persist in the popular imagination.) McCann replies, “LOOOOOOL.” Hansard then cautions McCann against expressing views that might conflict with American Guard’s sanitized public image.
In addition to commenting on anti-Semitic memes, McCann frequently posts Nazi propaganda and generally hateful content of his own on Facebook. In the image below on the left, he is promoting revisionist history propaganda about WWII. The image on the right is LDS Church President Russell M. Nelson, and is captioned “Be kind to LGBTQ.” McCann posted it to Facebook with the comment, “F***ing cucks!” indicating his opinion that this attitude is weak or unmanly.
Sean is married to Rebecca McCann. She is a new-age “lightworker” and realtor. She generally does not express far-right views online. However, she does wear a Mjölnir pendant, which suggests she may share her husband’s hateful religious views. The Mjölnir, or Thor’s hammer, is a symbol used by many neo-pagans. It is not an explicitly racist or fascist symbol, but it is used by many pagan white supremacists, and as such may be an indicator of Rebecca McCann’s beliefs.
When he isn’t busy being a Nazi or working for Nationwide Energy Utah/Nationwide solar,
Sean McCann trains as a powerlifter/strongman at Ironground Gym. It bears repeating that McCann and the rest of American Guard are dangerous, and should be treated with extreme caution.
Republished with permission from Corvallis Against Fascism. Thank you to Colorado Springs Antifascists, Eugene Antifa, and Long Beach Antifa for their work tracking and documenting the American Guard.
Update: Corvallis Antifascists alerted us that McCann has shifted his allegiance to the Vinlanders Social Club.
Recent photos of McCann show him in Vinlanders colors. At left, he wears a “Firm 22” patch; a Vinlanders probate patch has replaced his American Guard patch. At right, McCann’s shirt declares his support for VSC.
Brien James confirmed via Twitter that McCann has resigned from the American Guard.
This article is republished with permission from Corvallis Against Fascism.
Valerie and Chris Moody are members of the Utah Chapter of American Guard. On August 17th of 2019, they traveled to Portland, Oregon to participate in Joe Biggs’ ill-fated “End Domestic Terrorism” rally. They traveled in an armored bus, and members brought weapons, including firearms. It is safe to assume that the group went to Portland with the express intention of engaging Oregonians in physical violence. One California member, Mark Quon, attacked an antifascist with a hammer before being disarmed and smacked with it himself.
The Moodys and Quon with the American Guard contingent in Portland, Oregon
The American Guard is a group of hardcore white supremacists. The organization was started in Indiana by Brien James, a former Klansman and one of the founders of a violent bonehead (neo-Nazi skinhead) gang, the Vinlanders Social Club. The American Guard has deep ties to other White Nationalist gangs like the Hammerskins, the Traditionalist Workers Party, and the Aryan Nations. Unlike many of these other overtly racist groups, American Guard also associate with alt-lite organizations like Patriot Prayer and the Proud Boys. This makes them particularly dangerous, as they are able to bring their extreme views and violence into spaces that typically cater to regular conservatives, who they attempt to further radicalize.
The American Guard has engaged in physical violence at rallies across the country. They are incredibly dangerous, and their members and associates should be treated with extreme caution.
Valerie Moody serves as the National Spokesperson for American Guard, and Chris Moody is the Vice President of the Utah Chapter. As the National Spokesperson, Valerie authors the organization’s press releases, and the group’s website directs press inquiries to her.
Valerie and Chris also have ties to Salt Lake’s metal scene. Chris is the drummer for (awful) dad metal band Fear Through Flame. The band is believed to be inactive currently. Valerie Moody also helped to found Salt Lake MetalFest, a long-running music festival.
Please send any tips regarding the Moodys and their whereabouts to Utah161 at
Chris Moody (left) with other members of Utah American Guard
Valerie Moody
Republished with permission from Corvallis Against Fascism. Thank you to Colorado Springs Antifascists, Eugene Antifa, and Long Beach Antifa for their work tracking and documenting the American Guard.